LaurEx Seeds Ltd.
Pedigreed Seed
Seed & Grain Cleaning
Seed Treating
What can LaurEx Seeds do for you?
At the heart of LaurEx Seeds is exports. We offer a full line cleaning system to clean your seed to the highest level. We are able to treat, bag, and palletize on site for easy transport and handling at the receiving end. LaurEx specializes in exports for cover crops such as fall rye and oats, however are able to do much more upon request. We take pride in our products, and that we are able to provide the world with high quality Canadian seed.
For our local growers, we offer a wide variety of services, including pedigreed seed cleaning and sales, seed treating, chemical sales, and custom on farm colour sorting. Based in Laurier, Manitoba, LaurEx Seeds is able to provide your crop input needs, from the seed you put in the ground, to the chemical to keep your crop healthy and clean.
LaurEx Seeds Ltd.
Box 55
Laurier, MB, R0K 0E0
Trent VanHumbeck – Manager